Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue. We are on to Something Borrowed this week. At first, I was thinking I needed to borrow a little strength to get me through tough times, but then I realized I already had it. Strength, creativity, intelligence, confidence, the ease of life I live- it's all borrowed as I stand on the shoulder of giants. We used to live by a jail that housed many of the women who were arrested while trying to gain equal rights. The treatment they recieved in that jail brought to the forefront of the United States their message and helped women gain equal rights here. Women like Elizabeth Kady Staton, and Susan B. Anthony. Now we have a woman running for President. She may not be someone I would vote for, but it's still a sign of the times we live in. Then there is Florence Nightingale who brought nursing out of the gutter and made it a place where respectable women could work. Then how about the inventor of the flat iron, because some days no matter what you do naturally curly hair just doesn't look good. Then there is my mother who stood up for things that she believed in. She was against the whole long white dress thing- "we aren't catholic and we aren't doing a baby baptism, we are doing a blessing!" So I was blessed in a short hot pink number! She also nursed all her babies when it wasn't popular to do so and kept food storage even when every three years she had to get rid of it, because once again we were moving overseas. There is my mother-in-law who has had a pretty rough life, but tries to be positive and loving in all she does. She has taken care of at least 2 people who were only slightly related to her like they were her own mother. Then there is all of you. I am amazed the things you can learn from blogging and all the great ideas. Thank you Natalie for helping me find this resource. And finally, there may be still times that I hate my ward and go to bed crying because my friends have hurt my feelings and my husband just tells me to stop being such a girl. There may be times I am scared because the alarm has gone off in the house and my husband is away again. There may be times I am having health problems and am worried and my husband is away again, (Ok, can you tell we are in the middle of lots of TDY time?) but I can always count on a little borrowed strength from the Lord. I borrow strength from all these peoples and have become much stronger because of it.
Oh yeah, and thanks to my neighbor who has let me borrow about a dozen eggs, lately!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Strength is always something we can use more of. It's so great that there are so many sources to borrow from!
Love the post! You're so right - everything we have is actually something we've borrowed from our Heavenly Father.
Love your post. It's so powerful! You have such great insight..
How I love your strength. Sometimes you scare me because you are so strong.
I married you for your legs and strength. You are the only woman that could put up with me and stand your ground.
Love, Me
Strong girls make strong women. many TDY's either pull the family apart or make a strong mother. We are all thankful that your strength is keeping my grandchildren centered. Rob is right you do take on too much . thank you for the kind words. It is interesting what you remember from your young years which teaches the lesson to watch what you say and do it may be remembered for generations. Love Mom
this is a great post!!
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