I have written before about my 5 year old, Joseph and the girls fighting over him and how he comes off with smooth lines like, "but I love you all!" Well the other day at church he asked a girl out. Yes, he did! He asked a 14 year old girl who had come over to babysit a couple times, if she would like to come over to our house. She told him that he would have to ask his Mom and Dad about that. So I officially invited her over for S'mores. The S'mores were left over from our beach vacation and Scott and Jodi were bringing them over to do that night. Later, I called Dana to tell her what time and let her know that she didn't have to come, but she did. Joseph was hanging on her most of the time. Wait, it gets worse! The next day, Joseph asked me if I know the girl who likes him to hug her all the time. I said, "no, I don't know that girl." Of course I knew who he was talking about, but I don't think she actually liked him hugging her all the time. Anyway, he explained that she was the girl that came over with Scott and Jodi and said that she was going to eat lots of S'mores, because she liked them so much. "oh, you mean Dana?" "Yes, her. Can I call her?" "hu, no, no you can't!" Rob was laughing and laughing. I said, "yah, you are laughing now- you just wait until he's 16. We are in trouble!" My son, Casanova! Well at least I never have to worry about him telling me that he is gay! Here is a picture of Joseph's first date, making her S'mores!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
This is called puppy love and usually the parents don't invite the object of the love over and mostly she doesn't respond. I don't think you have until he is 16 to start worrying. He is a mac dad now. Maybe he can teach Uncle Timmy some good lines.Love Mom
I will admit I had a crush on someone in kindergarten but it was another STUDENT. I never said anything. I just hope he doesn't take it hard if all females he likes don't reciprocate. Cindy
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