For me Easter is about new church clothes. OK, I know. It is really about our Saviour and the price he paid for us, but you can't hear about that in your old church clothes according to my twisted mind. My husband reminded me that last year he decided to make Easter breakfast and then he was ridiculed for quite awhile afterwards when the DD decided to spill grape juice all over her new Easter dress. This year we decided to have cereal- something we rarely do, and some white grape juice. Emma came down in street clothes and the boys were not allowed to wear their Easter shirts until they were done. Of course we had to have at least one mishap. Samuel didn't think that hot chocolate drinking was part of the being done requirement to putting on his shirt. Needless to say, we did a little quick washing before church.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
sounds like a good easter with all the traditions including nes sunday clothes. We took our girl child, Lise to get a new outfit too. she got a darling purple and white skirt. when she put it on for church the store's security tag was still on it. But she wore it anyway because it was Easter and she wanted to wear her new outfit. Mom
PS want to know all about the release too.
I am of the opinion that sunday is a day off for mommy too. No cooking breakfast or lunch! You get it yourself. Having church at 11:30 makes it snack time after church to make up for not having breakfast. Handsome boys, glad everyone had fun.
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