The chickenpox have finally started clearing up. We didn't go to church this week, though, just in case people saw the little pox and still thought Max was contagious- which he wasn't. Joe only had a couple of pox. This was his very last one that had to heal before he could go back to school. It was mostly gone on Friday, so off to school he went- much to his dismay!
Saturday we had to take the kids with us to the stake center where we learned how to cook over a fire and in dutch ovens. We have been asked to be the Ma's and Pa's from our ward (along with one other couple) for the pioneer youth trek in July. This was one of our training days. We were told, no children, but since ours still had chickenpox (Max, did anyway) and they all had to be at various games throughout the day, they came, along with a bunch of videos and the portable DVD player. Three cheers for electronics! They stayed in the truck and watched their videos and made a grand mess, while we learned how to make stew, bake bread in a dutch oven,
make yummy scones and butter, and ash cakes- everyone's favorite (not!)
Seriously, who comes up with this stuff? One of our friends said, "I'm sure some idiot dropped his bread in the fire, picked it up, brushed it off and ate it and someone wrote it down like a recipe." Rob was quite the rebel the whole time. They could tell they had their hands full with him. For some reason we aren't allowed to bring belts. So while they were talking about going to a blacksmith to get your striker made for your flint to make a fire, Rob says, "while you are going to the blacksmith, I am going to go to the leather tanner and get myself a belt made!" We may have made them reconsider us as good Ma's and Pa's, but they did keep coming over to try our food. We were told by several of the stake leaders how we were the best and most experienced of the bunch and even the teacher commented how our cornmeal was the best. Got to thank Rob's Mom and Dad and Step-Dad for all those great camping trips and his Mom who taught him how to make cornmeal mush! Sorry- I still don't like it- made over a hot fire or in my own kitchen! I foresee a little weight loss on this trek!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
You guys will do great as the Ma and Pa on the trek. Call me crazy but I think it sounds fun. Too bad I can't put my summer where my mouth is because I have a nursing baby. :)
It was great to see you yesterday. It had been forever! Sorry we didn't get to hear the rest of your story. Crazy dance announcer. haha Anyway, we are in the middle of planning a girls night out so we will be in touch soon.
Cute picture of you!...can't say the same for what I assume must be the ash cakes you're holding. :) yum.
Rob just says what the teens are thinking and will say. Ash cake and cornmeal mush- I would not be a good pioneer. What are the dates of that trek. We will look about being the baby sitter than
Looks like fun - I love dutch ovens!!! Glad the chicken pox are making their exit from your home!
That is a cute picture of you. who took it?? Great fun blog.
love me
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