Mount Everest was our favorite ride. Joseph loved the big rollercoaster! It went up and then you had to stop because the Yeti had torn up the track. Then it zoomed you through a dark mountain backwards then you stopped and watched the Yeti tear up more tracks then zoom down the mountain. As you were starting down the big drop, that is when they took your picture. Emma and I kept making cute and funny faces for the camera, but we could never get Joe to do it with us. We looked pretty fabulous, though!
The two musicals, Nemo and The Lion King were phenomenal! But Bug's life made Max cry like crazy and even got Rob to scream. Of course when we got out I saw why. At one point they had wasp coming out at you and then you heard some stinging. I didn't get stung, but Rob did and it actually left a hole in his shirt!
Besides a couple of slap fights in the cart, the kids did wonderfully the whole trip. Of course with the technology of in van video and gameboys, driving has become a cinch. I was proud of how well they handle the whole trip, though. They are really good kids, even if the Bishopric has to stop them from chasing each other in the church at times!
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