Last year, I sent Rob a countdown to Christmas in Iraq. It was to help him pass the time, give him a few gifts and let him know that we loved him. He said it really saved him. He brought it back and I changed the things that were in there so that we could use it as a family this year. Best laid plans- you know what I mean? Yah, it's been crazy! Emma was the one that opened them up every morning, but she stopped doing it for awhile, because we just weren't getting any of them done. We have finally gotten most of them in, but only because mom has forced the fun! And some days it has been a really forced, "you will sit here and decorate cookies and you will enjoy every minute of it, while I run around like a mad woman, tripping over things and breaking them and screaming" kind of forced fun!
Yeah! We love Christmas! Now don't get me wrong. I really do love Christmas. It is my most favorite time of year. And I hate the humbug kind of whiners who complain about how much work it is and all the stuff they have to do and how they have to go out of their way to find a great present for everyone, blah, blah blah, how selfish am I! Right! We don't like those kind of people- boo! Hiss! Ok, so back to this year. Christmas is killing me!! I know, I know- my own fault! I started too late, I tried to do too much! My craft stuff has been strewn all over the house for weeks. My poor "has to have the house clean at all times" husband has been having heart attacks, but to his credit he has done really well with it! He calls it my Carousel of Fun and asks regularly if I am having fun. I lied every time and said "yes!" See, because generally I do enjoy it, just not when I have to make 45 cards
or 40 creative letters or 5 aprons or.... You get the picture. I did enlist Max's help. He actually got pretty good at stamping the letters by the end!! Hee hee!
Well today I finally cleaned up the Carousel of fun! My letters and cards all got sent out and I had to pay 20 cents extra for each one because of my creativiness! My aprons didn't get made, but I figure they can wait until after Christmas. Now I am hoping to sit back and enjoy- yeah right- not with 2 more hats to crochet and a couple quilts to make and....
But in the meantime, we have done some fun things from the countdown like, write letters to Santa, decorate Christmas cookies, make a gingerbread house, cut out snowflakes and make a couple fun treats. Next year I vow to not be so creative so I won't have to pay for it and I can enjoy my Christmas countdown with my children a little better!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Card making is either a line of assembly workers cooperating or a "take at least 5 months" activity. Thanks for the star cards from last year. They made great "remade" cards.
And this is why I am thankful that I am not a creative make it person. The stress is too much for the product. Enjoy the process or don't do it is my motto. I do brag about my creaive girls. Mom
Your card came today and it's great! I loved the interview and the pictures are FANTASTIC!! Really, you should be very pleased. It's very hard to reinvent the wheel every year, but you always do a great job. Your efforts are worth it.
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