The kids had about 2 weeks off from school, because of all the snow. Usually this would have really bummed me out and caused distress, because I couldn't seem to get anything done, but since it caused most things around the DC area to come to a screeching halt as well, I got all kinds of things done that I had been meaning to do!
I read lots of books- most of which I was not impressed with and will be throwing away. I really have to be more selective when it comes to modern day authors. They like to throw out lots of swear words, throw in a gay couple or two and lots of sex- no matter what the story is actually about. I did enjoy The Tales of Beetle the Bard by JK Rowlings, though. I also enjoyed a book that Emma brought home with true stories about World War 2.
I have said before that I enjoy a good historical story, but for some reason World War 2 fascinates me.
We played games as a family
and build Legos
We went to the new Percy Jackson movie. I liked the books a whole lot better!
I finished 2 more aprons. One for me
and one for one of the winners of my little contest.
Rebecca promised to tell me how it went, so let's hear it Rebecca! I still have one more winner to make something for. If I do this again, I may have to give myself less time than a year to fulfill the requirement! A year is just way too much time to procrastinate!
We went and saw the Enola Gay,
a trainer Space shuttle, some Top Gun aircraft and other fun things at the Air and Space Museum out by the Dulles airport.
We logged tons of time on the TV, Playstations, Wii, and computer.
We did homework
We played in the snow
We made Valentines- For the primary teachers I just made a sign that said, It takes a lot of ----
to serve the way you do. Thank you from the bottom of mine and then I affixed a chocolate heart on it in the appropriate place. For the kids for school (which may not even happen now!) I bought little things of bubbles and cut out bubble shapes that said, "Valentine's you blow me away."
We played with friends.
We went running in a blizzard, all so that we didn't have to dig our truck out of the snow bank.
It was a good 2 weeks, but I am definitely ready for them to go back, now!!
We did homework
We played in the snow
to serve the way you do. Thank you from the bottom of mine and then I affixed a chocolate heart on it in the appropriate place. For the kids for school (which may not even happen now!) I bought little things of bubbles and cut out bubble shapes that said, "Valentine's you blow me away."
We played with friends.
We went running in a blizzard, all so that we didn't have to dig our truck out of the snow bank.
It was a good 2 weeks, but I am definitely ready for them to go back, now!!
you seemed to have gone "out and 'bout" during the snow confinement. Thank you 4 wheel drive. Mom
Your family sign turned out great! I hope that you like it? I loved the Valentine that I got from Emma! Super cute!
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