Thus far, in every ward we have been in, there has been a Father-Son outing and a Father-Daughter party. Not once has there been a Mother-Daughter or Mother-Son one, so when they had the Father-Daughter Party this last weekend, I decided to get my own Mother-Son thing going. I asked a couple of friends if they wanted to get together. We played a game like the Newlywed game with the boys, to see how much we knew about them and them about us.
Max would just come out and ask me the questions and I would whisper the answer to him and then he would say it out loud and jump around like he was king of the world. We had pizza
and salad and brownies and ice cream.
We played Mexican Train
and the boys played some kind of relay game and dodge ball downstairs while the women chatted upstairs.
It was a good evening. Rob had fun with Emma, too!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Way to go! It looks like you all had a wonderful time.
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