I have just recently understood the term, "runner's high" even though I have been a runner since High School. I feel so good when I exercise and not so good when I don't . I can definitely tell the difference these days, when I couldn't before. It has now become an essential part of my day. But as all essential parts of our days go, kids, friends, work, etc. end up vying for that time. I am not a very forceful person, so I give in easily. I volunteer at the school during my workout time, I volunteer at the preschool when they call, I go visiting teaching. Just recently, I have started sticking up for myself a little more, though. Today was the first day I called someone back and asked to please switch something they had wanted to do with me. It turned out to be quite a bit of rearranging to get it in today. She asked if I wanted to just do it another day- "well, no. Any day from 9:30-11:00 is my time!" As all mom's of kids going to school know, the minute they get home, it's all downhill from there. If I don't get it in during the morning, it doesn't get done. If I was a better person, I would get up early and do it, but I love the classes at the gym as well as a run, and that's when the classes are. I promise I am not being antisocial and I am not trying to be difficult. I hope others understand it, but getting that workout in makes me feel so much better! Of course if I didn't eat that pound of chocolate every day, I would also feel a whole lot better!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Good for you! ; ) I am also a runner and yes it is hard to find the time to run. I run at 5:30am. i know that is early, But that is the only time i can fit it in. It is a great way to start the day.
i have to exercise in the evenings, and it is so tempting to just skip it many nights. i'm with you - it feels so good when i do it!! i say, find your time and make it work for you :)
Are you trying to show me your sexy legs? :)
love rob
Ha! I just did my SPT about the wonder-drug of running! Totally agree with you.
You go girl. chocolate and runner's high are actually the same type of upper not opposite. Of course the sugar down is the opposite. mom
I enjoy reading your blog, but I am always left with questions!!! What is SPT?
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