After leaving Virginia- with a little help from the missionaries- Thank you, Elders!, 
we headed to Wyoming via some interesting places. First we stopped in Ohio to drop off the truck and have it babysat, along with some plants at our friend the Gardners. We then headed onto Nauvoo, Illinios. We got there in time for the Independence day fireworks,
that we saw outside in the parking lot of our hotel. The next day was spent in Nauvoo,
but one day just isn't enough. We went to Carthage
and then did one or two things in Nauvoo
before it was all closed down.
My relative Patty Sessions (midwife on the Pioneer trek.) They had me sign a book about how I was related.
The next day we headed to Winter Quarters, Nebraska.
It was beautiful and that was the first place we noticed the humidity had left! We actually finished a run without coming in sopping wet! The next day we headed to Sturgis, North Dakota. (One check off the bucket list for Rob- too bad he wasn't riding his bike into town, instead of the minivan! HaHaHa!) From there we went to Deadwood,
the Badlands
and Mt. Rushmore.
This is our dancing guide. Rob said he felt like tipping her when it was all done from all the dancing she was doing!
A full day, don't you think. Well, Rob didn't think! So off we went at 4pm to drive the last 11 hours to the campsite in Wyoming. It was a good trip- though long. I am so glad we decided to stop and see so many fun sites on the way.
The next day we headed to Winter Quarters, Nebraska.
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