We have been loving the fall colors in Ohio.

So beautiful! The weather is a little nippy, but not like Wyoming nippy, so it's all good!
The other day we went to our Ward's Trunk or Treat.

It was really fun and can you believe it- Sam won best child's costume!

Rob still raves about it. He says he never dreamed he would marry a woman who could make the best child's costume from scratch. I think he is just trying to butter me up! LOL
Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch/best ice cream place ever!
It was like pulling teeth to get this shot. I finally gave up and this is the best one we have.

The dairy where they make their own ice cream is very popular! When you asked for 1 scoop, you actually get three!- and it's soooo yummy!
The kids did the little train ride,

the big slide

No, that is not Max with Joseph. It is some other random kid. Do you wonder sometimes about the random people in your forever photos!? Or better yet, do you wonder how many photos you are in of other peoples? Max got to the top of the slide and freaked out because it was too high! Emma was so embarrassed! Max is our wimp child!and Sam did the batting cages!

It was a lot of fun and did I mention super yummy?!

I loved how Emma's picture turned out.

See, doing crazy things your mother insists you do, actually makes you look pretty, even if it itches your belly! There's a message in there somewhere, I'm just not sure what it is!
The leaves are beautiful. Fall was always my favorite season while growing up in Ohio. It looks like your family is having some wonderful times there.
message to Emma . Be beautiful do everything your mom says before she even asks. Grandma
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