Christmas is always more fun when you add children! Finding that perfect gift that makes them squeal with delight, having them shop for each other when they are thinking of what would make the other person happy, having them beg you to go to bed at 7 pm- that's pure magic!
Christmas eve we did our traditional Christmas play. The kids all shouted out when they could play one of the songs. Even Joseph played a song for us. I only played one or two of the songs.
I so love that! Then we sang The Nativity Song with our wooden nativity set
and then opened our one present from the family. This year we let them pick. Usually they just all get new PJ's, but no one needed any new ones except Emma. Sam and Joseph were so excited about their present to Max.
Santa Claus had to put one present back that he had bought once Max opened it. Sam spent almost all his money on getting that present for Max and had to convince Joseph to give up most of his money as well. It was really sweet of them! Then we read The Night Before Christmas.
The rule was no one up before 7:30 am (we have gotten really lazy over the holidays!) Sam just couldn't wait any longer after 7 am, however. We made them all wait it out, anyway- in our room
and then on the stairs.
They were going nuts and kept trying to sneak down. It was a magical day. Joseph kept saying, "We hit the Mother Load!"
We have goodies galore and I am at least 2 pounds heavier. Sam lost a tooth in a cinnamon roll and so the magic continued with a visit from the Tooth Fairy.
We have Legos everywhere. We scare the dog with the remote control truck.
We have played Wheel of Fortune (which I won!) and Family Feud (which we stunk at!) I gave my final lesson to my 14-15 year old Sunday School class. I get a new one next week. We downloaded lots of new apps for my phone and Emma's new Ipod touch. Right now the kids are playing with their friends while I loose at Scrabble to my phone! Could anything be more magical then this Christmas holiday?
Rob enjoying my new slippers.
The rule was no one up before 7:30 am (we have gotten really lazy over the holidays!) Sam just couldn't wait any longer after 7 am, however. We made them all wait it out, anyway- in our room
We have goodies galore and I am at least 2 pounds heavier. Sam lost a tooth in a cinnamon roll and so the magic continued with a visit from the Tooth Fairy.
We have Legos everywhere. We scare the dog with the remote control truck.
Looks like a happy traditional Christmas for your family. Best wishes for the New Year too. Mom
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