Robert had Spring break last week. It consisted of doing taxes, ordering new books for this new semester, and cleaning the garage. He took very little time off to relax (except we took a nap almost every day which was heavenly!) We were going to take the kids out of school and do a couple nights somewhere, but it just didn't happen. This week is the kids' Spring break and Rob is starting a new semester. He is not happy! The weather is still so cold, the kids don't want to play outside, we are out of money for the month, so we can't really do anything, and Rob's in school so we can't take a vacation. That leaves the kids lying around the house making messes
and playing World Record holder in Finger Candle Dipping. He comes home to messes, our schedule all out of whack, and no dinner made! We actually have been busy, though. We spring cleaned all three children's rooms. We also got this put up for Sam
and figured out a way to organize Emma's hair stuff! 
We also did a big clean through the toys! Emma got her sports physical for the Fall and we started this 1000 piece puzzle.
Ok, I started it. For the most part the kids haven't shown much interest in it. I got the outsides (all except one piece) done, but the middle seems daunting.
It is now Wednesday and not much more is done on it. I'm thinking we aren't going to get it done by the end of the week.
I'm just waiting for a break in this weather, so we can at least play outside. I am so tired of being cold! Please weather- won't you cooperate!?
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