So, I wasn't so good at doing something Christmasy every day of the month or for the last 10 days. (I made the 10 days goal after I failed at the first one.) We did end up doing almost all of the stuff I had wanted to during the "winter break" (in other words- Christmas break!) We got our Gingerbread house baked and decorated on a day Emma had some friends over for a sleepover. 
We also made donuts- today for part of our New Years Celebration. I really like it for New Years. I remember us always doing it around Christmas, but I don't know when. Maybe my mom used it the same as I did- "Wow, we are getting bored, what can we do?! I know, lets make donuts!" They turned out so well. I ate way too many of them and now I am sick. I also remember doing that in my youth!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Deb,I'm finding out through your blog what I suspected- that you are an amazing cook & baker. I just remember some sweetrolls that you brought to enrichment once, and I was like- wow! Your lucky family!
When you donuts were made for Christmas eve so you kids helped me make them a few days before. We used the same dough I used to make the Christmas day rolls. I made them because my aunts always made them for christmas eve at my Grandmother Bairds. That and the chili. The two don't do together do they. When you were little I didn't have a deep fryer and I was always worried that one of you would get burn so the orders were you had to stay away from the fryer and just decorate the donutes. Yes, you always over ate them then too.
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