Ok, a couple of people have tagged me and so I thought I had better write one, finally. You are suppose to write 5 things about yourself- I think. So here goes:
1. I hate to shop. Always have! I love getting new things, but going and looking at things and fighting the crowds and not finding what I want over and over and lines, etc. etc.- not my idea of fun! My mom used to take me shopping for fun until I finally told her that it gave me a headache. Now with the kids it is even worse, but I don't enjoy it even without the kids.
2. I love men in uniforms. I guess that is obvious from my choice of a husband. It started with football uniforms and by the way, I still like guys in football uniforms. Then it turned to military uniforms. Almost any guy looks good in a military uniform!
3. I am a typical Mormon mom in that I feel guilty at all times. If I am cleaning the house, I feel guilty that I am not playing with my kids. If I am playing with my kids, the whole time I am feeling guilty about not doing my ironing. If I am writing a blog, I am feeling really guilty that I haven't run yet today! Got to go do that soon!
4. I eat way too much junk food. All that running and my really good metabolism (thanks Grandma and Dad!) are the only things keeping me from gaining some serious weight.
5. I loved growing up like a military brat. My dad wasn't actually military, but it takes too much time to explain, so I always call myself a military brat. I loved the moving and getting to meet new people and see new things. I loved living in Germany and getting to travel. I really get itchy to move after 3 years, still. I want to move, right now, but there's no chance of that- stupid housing market. Maybe it is good for me to learn to stay put for a while, though!
Ok, that was 5 things about me. Now you are suppose to do the same thing ;)
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
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