When my husband rejoined the army and moved me from a place I loved to a place I absolutely detested, a bunch of my friends said, "just think of how strong you will become from this." It was their way of trying to look at the good side of what was for me a very upsetting and depressing situation. Unfortunately, this just made me angry. It made me feel like they were telling me "buck up little camper and look at all your blessings."- Something I was not inclined to do at the time. Therefore, I felt guilty for not taking the time to look at the many blessings the Lord had given me. No one likes to feel guilty when they feel that something terrible is happening to them, so instead I just felt angry at my friends for "making" me feel that way and not supporting me the way I wanted them to.
Now that my husband is leaving for Iraq, I don't want to hear it again. So, yes, I know that the deployment curse(whatever can go wrong, will) is about to begin. Already the TV has freaked out, one of the boys Chest of Drawers fell apart on me
and the treadmill has a ghost that makes it totally non-functional.
I know more is coming. And I know I will get stronger (fortius) as I learn to deal with all these things on my own. But I don't want to hear about it. It won't make me feel better. And it will make me mad at you- so no matter how much you want me to see the sunny side, Stop! before you speak- Would you want to hear the same thing if you were in the same situation?
P.S. since Rob is in Panama right now, some friends came over and helped me get the chest of drawers back together and I called and got the TV fixed. And although my Mom's not around, she knows not to say anything patronizing and immediately said she would come visit whenever I wanted. Thanks Mom.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Yes, this is definitely a stronger post and thank goodness for good friends. I found you through the SPT challenge.
That is such an interesting question - I think that people mean well and I've been on both sides of the question. There is a lot of stress involved in your situation and you deserve to handle it the way you want. I'm so glad that friends helped with the issues you've had to try to fix. You are a brave woman and I hope that things work the way you need them too. I would love to add you to my sidebar - is this OK? And could you email me your first name if you feel comfortable, I didn't see it in your blog! candmalley@juno.com
I don't blame you a bit for not wanting advice, but maybe just a listening ear and a little commiseration.
I will only tell you what I would want to hear (that was good advice). First of all, I'm sorry your family will be split for a while. Also, you are already strong, but until you feel it (I'm not sure any of us really do) help yourself to chocolate bars and ice cream. I hope that was ok.
UGH! Why is it that when the man is not around...that's when everything falls apart?! I hate that curse!
Hang in there..I don't know HOW you do it!!!!
Gurl we are in the same boat!! My t.v. broke too, the spigot in the back yard has a mean leak, the AC in the car has a random ghost too, is shuts off periodically.. and like you it just so happens as my hubby is not around... Ill hang in if you do!!
Now you know why mom is the one who knew how to fix things, deal with ill children, and find a repairman. All those TDY's. I always wondered if they weren't timed very carefully. MOM
This is for sure a stronger post. Tough one. Good luck, take it one day at a time. Blogging is good release.
Hey,I enjoy breaking the rules while he's gone. Pizza in the front room anyone? Cindy
i love the expression on your face in the "chest of drawers" photo. i get that same look. a lot!
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