Yeah! Schools back in.

I thought I would have so much time, but today was anything but time-filled. It was a whirlwind. I got up at 6:10 and went running, then I was doing hair, writing checks and making sandwiches, until it was past time to leave. We flew to two different school to drop off three kids,
all the while trying to comfort the one that wasn't going, because he wanted to go to school, too.
I told him that he got to go to school at home with Mom, but that wasn't cool. We had to run to Joseph's school to bring in the medical form we forgot and to Target, then Walmart to find the folders that we forgot to get for Emma. Then we came home to do lunch and school. School ended up being watching Leap Frogs, The Letter Factory while Mom slept. When the show was over, I woke up long enough to tel Max to turn it off. Then I told him to play with some toys. He never did get those toys. When I woke up, I found he had gone to sleep right there, also. He slept for 3 hours. We really aren't used to this schedule, after our summer laziness! Then the picking up of all the kids started, the homework (mostly for Mom) and soccer practice. A quick clean-up and dinner and then off to bed. Whew! What a day! Luckily, everyone did well- Even little Joe. When I went in to take his papers in, I had them bring me to his class and I spied on him. He was looking pretty cute. Hopefully, he will continue to enjoy it and hopefully Mom and Max's school will turn out to be more productive!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Love Emma's cute hair cut. I think Mom and Max's school was just right for the first day. A lot of sleep. He will miss his brother-playmate. Grandma
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