Me entertain? Ok, so I do entertain a little, but it stresses me out. I find this is true with a lot of people. It is not so much the state of the house, or my children's behavior or my dishes or anything like that- I just worry that no one will show up. I guess that is why I hate last minute cancelers the most. They make me feel like it's all true- I'm not good enough for their company. Terrible lack of self confidence, I know. I must remedy that sometime.
Ok, because of a blogger, I have thrown a party recently that I wouldn't have otherwised thrown. Kristi of everything pink inspired me with how she always celebrates all the holidays, so I decided to have a leap year party this last year. We had breakfast for dinner and played volleyball. I had games for the kids
and frog cupcakes
and little party favors that I gave out at the end.
I also found this lady's blog in a drive-by. She had some amazing parties that she has thrown on there, so I periodically check back and see what other ideas she has. I haven't put any of them to use, yet, but they were amazing.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Oh a leap party sounds like lots of fun. I guess I'll have to wait a while to try that one.
Cute, cute cupcakes!
Kristi has the cutest ideas!
cute party! I would come to a party you put together! I'm not a last minute canceler ~ gotta hate that!
great leap year party ideas!!
i would totally come to one of your parties :)
Those are the cutest cupcakes! And I thought your purple (red-blue) combination comments that you mentioned on my blog are so true, too!
I love those leap frogs!!!
Very cute idea. Any reason to celebrate...Your cupcakes were adorable by the way!
What a cute party. You should throw more parties because you are obviously very good at it!
What a great, and fun idea. I bet your kids loved it! I could maybe commit to a leap year party. Once every 4 years is just about right for me.
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