Joy would be so proud!
We went to the Pentagon on a cub scout outing.

I took all my children with me- obviously!
We went to the bathroom just before we left, but by the time we arrived, surprisingly {{wink}} one of them had to go really bad. He held it all the way across the street, through the tunnel and up to the entrance, but then he couldn't hold it any longer. I ran up to the front of the line, but they wouldn't let me in without an escort and told me that they didn't have any public restrooms. We were going to take a tour at 1 pm and it was now 12:51. If I tried to make him hold it just a little longer we would have one pee boy on our hands for the entire tour, or I would have to leave and miss the tour and they would be down one chaperon. So I had no other option. I promise, I didn't. So I took him over to the side of the line by the grass and dropped his drawers. Yep, my boy peed on the Pentagon lawn while the security guard yelled at me, "ma'am, Ma'am, no." And I just yelled back, "Never mind, we' re good, now." Joy of course would have told them how much they deserved it and that it was all their fault that her kid had to pee right where the Generals were coming to check in, but I decided to avoid getting carted off by a guy with a really big gun!
BTW, the tour went really well, the kids were all good, no accidents happened and no one was carted off by a guy with a really big gun, but I think a couple security guards have a great story to tell about some white trash woman!
hey that's the joy of boys - mine have peed in more inappropriate places than i can count, but this probably tops any of them :)
anything to give a guy with a really big gun a laugh!
Now that is a smooth mommy. It's alright we are good now. and he felt so much better after that. The kid is more imporant than the generals lawn. Mom
I would love to hear the security guards relay that story! xoxo
I love these kinds of stories. Such is life!
Too funny! Thank God it was boy scouts and not girl scouts! Since my taxes are paying for the lawn I give you permission, just a little late!!
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