This is the first time I have really gotten to sit down at the computer and look at blogs and try to post one of my own since my husband has been home. I have been having lack-of-blog-panics! But it is Ok, now. Unfortunately, my husband caught the cold we have all been suffering from for awhile and he decided to go back to bed until 10 am.
Since Dad has been home, we have had fun shampooing the carpets, doing a boat load of laundry, and cleaning the whole house. Oh, and we also took a trip to The Great Wolf Lodge- so fun!!
Rob bought them the wand this time and they had so much fun with them. They have something in them that causes them to make all kinds of things in the hotel do things. They also have a huge treasure hunt and video like games all over the 4 stories of the hotel.
I never could beat that crazy dragon, though- the kids had to do it for me. Max and Joe were totally scared of the dragon, so they refused to do it. Luckily Sam and Emma got quite good at it
and helped all kinds of other people beat him, too!
We also took a little trip up to Antietam, Maryland to a little bed and breakfast up there. Of course, that trip was just Rob and I. The kids got farmed out all over- Thank you to all those special people! Rob took one look around and said, "Where's the TV?" Ha ha. We are not totally addicted to TV, but we do use it as a crutch sometimes. This Bed and Breakfast was kind of out of the way and with it being the middle of winter it was a forced relax and get to know you time. We went over to Antietam and Harper's Ferry, we played Scrabble (and Rob actually won! He never beats me at word games, but he did this time), we took long soaking baths and just had a good time relaxing. The breakfast was wonderful! It started with a poached pear, then raisin french toast, egg fratata, and bacon and ended with a banana sundae. Yep, you heard me right- chocolate covered ice cream and a banana for breakfast. It was lovely!
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2 months ago
I want to go to the hotel and fight the dragons too. What perfect family fun and then a B And B for the grown-ups with chocolate sundaes for breakfast. It is always great when daddy comes home. Mom
Hello! I am so glad to see that Rob is home with his family again. That Lodge looks like such a fun place to take a family vacation. The bed and breakfast sounded perfect... especially the ice cream for breakfast. Deffinately my kind of place. It sure beats camping on the Rhine when everything gets soaked! :o)
Looks like you all had a good time. Glad Rob is home. Let's get together when you are all available. Just let us know.
When I was young I use to dream about a play house like that. It makes me feel like a kid at heart just to read about it.
Love Maria W.
What a great getaway! It's kind of a nice excuse to not blog - that your man is home :)
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