Our First snow day! Yesterday it finally snowed.
They kept predicting it and it never happened. All that snow went over us or under us, but never dumped on us. Yesterday it finally hit
and we had a grand time in the snow. 

Emma's snow bird who is waving hello to you!
Yesterday they had the day off from school anyway, so it wasn't quite as fun as today when they got up and it had rained and sleeted all over the snow last night. That made today the first official snow day!! So exciting- but unfortunately, raining, icy is not fun. We'll be staying in all day.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
My kids begged and begged for snow and when it finally came, they went outside and came back in about 25 minutes later, saying how cold they were. "WHAT"
what a cute snow bird Emma. Fun in the snow is only great when it is dry snow. We also have the rainy cold wet stuff here no fun. Grandma
The snow! It looks like it was a lot of fun and I love the snowbird, it's so cute!
We are getting tired of the snow out west, but glad you can enjoy some in the east. I did like that snow bird, very creative
David Kress
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