Sunday I was asked to give the closing prayer in Sacrament meeting. Like I have said before, our ward is large! It's like going to stake conference every week. Of course, we were late this Sunday, so we were all the way in the back of the gym. That was a long way up to the podium. The kids told me that Rob was watching me go up and singing "These shoes were made for walking..." 3 of the Laurels then commented to me (at different times) that "when you walked up to the podium..." one said she didn't want to close her eyes for the prayer, because I was just so pretty, she wanted to look at me some more. Wow! I don't think I have ever gotten that kind of reaction, ever! I wish I had a picture so I could know what it was that worked so well that day! Maybe I can recreate "the look"!! Rob said it was all the walk- not the look. He says I was shaking what my mama gave me! Ha ha. I think that's just my husband speaking, though! What I was really doing was walking carefully, because I don't wear heels often and I was that day. I really, really didn't want to face plant on my long walk up to the podium! I actually had a vision of that in my head, just before I got up to make the walk. I wonder if that's what Kate Middleton was thinking on her long walk in front of millions of viewers! Yes, I just did- I compared myself to Kate Middleton! Hee hee. Well, I won't let it go to my head!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Did you have to start walking up during the first verse of the song? I can't believe you have such huge crowds! I am glad you didn't "fact plant" either.
your mom is proud to have given you what you were shakin'. It's all about the attitude girl.
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