Megan had this to say on her blog:
I have been really thinking about something for the past few weeks. Being a girl is definately the way to go, but it comes with serious drawbacks. One of these is the way that we are WAY too hard on ourselves! Give me 20 seconds and I could give you a page of the ways that I fall short, but I think that there are only a handful of compliments that I have sincerely taken to heart and accepted.
She goes on to state that she doesn't want her girls to grow up like that and wants them to be positive about themselves, so she gives and takes her own challenge to write down a handful of compliments about herself. I can't say that I am very hard on myself usually and it annoys me when people refuse to be in pictures or say that they can't think of one good thing about themselves- mostly because I find it to be false humility! But with everything we are seriously annoyed with, there is usually an element of truth for us in there. I grew up thinking I was ugly, which was perpetuated by some very mean boys. I have mostly gotten over that, but with most things in childhood they persist even if just in the back of your mind. Every once in awhile it rears it's ugly- no pun intended- head! So I am taking the challenge! 1. I am very curious, love learning, and am very good at taking tests. I got out of 5 years of college with a 3.93. The only B's I got were when the men in my life needed a little extra attention.
2. My mother told me one time that she wanted me to be a well rounded person. I have taken that to heart and have gotten pretty ok at lots of stuff. And because of my curious, love to learn nature I am getting better and better at all those things. The only thing my husband gets a little upset about is that I keep picking up new ones to try!
3. I am a good runner- maybe not compared to you, but we are not comparing!
4. You can count on me when I say I am going to do something. (as long as I don't forget:0) I knew a lady that kept inviting me to do things with her and I would tell the kids and they would get all excited and then she would cancel- every time. I stopped telling the kids, but she never stopped canceling. And it was always last minute. I never did anything with that lady. I have had other friends like that, but never that bad. It annoys me so I won't do it to you unless it is an emergency. Of the 7 years I have worked I have never called in sick!
5. I have beautiful legs!
6. I love the color of my hair- it's brown with gold and red highlights.
7. I am fairly relaxed and accepting. I don't get offended easily. I had a friend tell me she was suprised I didn't loose weight while training for my marathon and then told me that I must eat really good. It just made me laugh. I also will listen if you want to teach me a better, faster or prettier way to do something. I am not offended that you think you have a better way than the way I am doing it. If I think it is better, faster or prettier I will use it. So come teach me. I like to learn!
Well, that was more than a handful and since 7 is my favorite number, I will end with that, but because I don't want my daughter to be left out, I am going to give you 5 compliments of her. 1. She is cute. She may be beautiful when she grows up, but right now she is really cute. This worries her father and myself a little.
2. She is really good at sports. She is a natural athlete and makes any team she wants even without trying.
3. She is really generous and giving to her friends.
4. She has great respect for authority and rules. She really loves the people that work to help make her a better person- her teachers, primary leaders, her principal, her coaches.
5. She loves her family, especially her Dad and Mom and is concerned that they are happy. She listens to our conversations and gets mad at people that make us mad and loves the people we love. She tries hard to please us.
6. Her enthusiasm for life is amazing and her energy is unmatchable.
7. She is a little planner and loves to make lists. She is so good at it, I think it may be her calling. She will be the best event planner ever!
Now it's your turn. Consider yourself challenged to write down a handful of things you like about yourself. If not for you, for your daughter's sake!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Deborah, I loved this blog - thanks.
Deb is a true and loving giver. She will go out of her way, and then the extra mile to help. We were driving to church one Sunday morning when we past a gun shot victim. My natural instinct was to duck and cover. As I attempted to maneuver the car around the scene Deborah jumped out and saved the young mans life by stopping the serious bleeding from the gun shot. In the end this was a hunting accident and it was the right thing to do. She always knows best and then gives her best.
Deborah is the best Wife and Mother I know. Making hot home made breakfasts and a good dinner for the family every single day. I can't wait to get home from work to see what she is doing with the children. I hope and pray that the children will appreciate all that she does.
Deborah is my beautiful (and I will personally deal with those stupid young men, and anyone else who says otherwise), energetic, go getting, can do, best friend of mine. And boy do I love her legs and hair.
Emma is my little princess, my one and only sweetie. She has my heart and my wallet already.
I smile with the biggest daddy smile every time that she succeeds (i.e. goals in soccer, football catches, volleyball scores, county choir, respect from her teachers, love from her primary leaders, leadership from her friends). She is my little hero and I pray that she will continue to try and do her best, because as long as she is doing her best I will smile with the smile of a proud and happy Daddy.
OK and I am a good wrestler with my children and wife.
First of all, nice comment, Rob. You are very nice to your wife. Good job, Debbie! I love hearing about your talents and strengths. I also loved learning about Emma strengths - great idea!
my daughter is beautiful. She was a beautiful baby, not cute beautiful. She never had that ugly teen-age look. she is still beautiful inside and outside. Robert find those boys( would they be brothers I hope not) and make them sorry they every called our girl ugly>
My mother suffered all her life from the feelings of ugliness because her petite mother wanted and girly-girl and Ruth was a long and tall sporty girl with beautiful rich brown hair with red and gold highlines and long legs that go forever. aren't you glad she shared her genes.
Now my list what I like about me
1. I come with a sign that says tell me your life story. I have that kind of face and presents that makes people begin to tell all about themself. Some time I don't like to know that much information but mostly I like to thinking people find me that easy to trust.
2. I am a good story teller-written or made up I can spin a colorful tale and capture an audience.
3. I can make in up as we go. Life with seven children and working as a sub teacher has taught me to adapt, revise, and re-invent. Life on the fly but with control at all times.
4. I don't need or want alot of things. We are encumbered by the THINGS we possess so unless they have eternal value they aren't worth the time and energy required to acquire and maintain. ( my husband is a pack rat, those the issue every time we move)
5. I understand body language, sign language and just that look in your eye. A skill that started with my children and has grown with my experiences with non-verbal people.
6. I like trying new things, foods, books, movie, music, games, meeting new people, going new places. some of these new things become a new favorite. i like new favorite.
7. I can make a quiet place. Something we all need at times. I know how to make an atmosphere that calms and settles.
that was a good idea to make us think of what is good about ourself. I feel better already. Wish I could actually get on Megan's blog. Mom
Wow- what an awesome post & awesome comments that went along with it!!! I can't believe that story about you saving a gunshot victim's life! Wow!!!
Debby, I truly do admire the inner contentment that you have about you. I also see a lot of great conviction in you, but also acceptance of others. And the things you accomplish continually are just amazing. How do you have the energy & never burn out? I really admire that peace you have with yourself.
Making my own list is quite the challenge. It would probably be good for me to do. Check my blog in a few days & I will hopefully get up the guts to do it for myself. :)
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