My husband said I needed to explain again what SPT was. I have heard two different ideas of what it stands for: She Photographs on Tuesday's and Self-Portrait Tuesday's. Since the first one is on the challengers blog, that's what I am going with. It is a way for me to work on my photography and find stuff to blog about that is about me. So often Mom gets forgotten in the telling of a lot of stories, especially if Mom is photographer and historian. So this helps tell my story as well. I love the different challenges that Lelly puts up each weekend for us to work on. I didn't look this week until late last night, though and had a hard time coming up with something. The challenge this week was: What do you turn to when you need a pick me up?
I can't say that I have anything in place when I need a pick me up, but the one thing I can always count on is my husband. After 15 years of marriage my husband is still my best friend, the person I would rather be with in the whole world, the person who understands me better than anyone else and knows how to make me feel better. He is there to commiserate with me, to help me figure out what I need to do, to calm me down when I get all wrapped up in trying to do way too much. He makes me laugh and gives me a break when I need it. Last night I brought the hairbrush down with me while I was watching a movie with my family. I had been out in the rain with them, and if you know anything about wavy/curly hair in the rain, that's a bad thing. I just started brushing my hair and he said, "here, I'll brush your hair for you." He had me get down in front of him and he brushed my hair nicely almost the whole movie. It felt so good. Unfortunately, my husband is military and gone frequently, so if I can't even talk to him on the phone, I can always resort to my other love...
Refined Sugar!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
oh, what an adorable spt of you and your husband. awesome thoughts, too.
OH what a sweet SPT post :)!!!!!!!!
This is so great- what perfect sentiments to record for this weeks challenge. The hair brushing story is sweet!
very sweet-
and that is why we love our Robert and always will. Thank him for taking care of our baby girl. love mom K
Great post! Nice shot of you and your husband! I love that he brushed your hair and that you were honest in your love for sugar!
What a sweet hubby! That's a great picture of you both (his first SPT?). Refined sugar has its perks too!
I'm just glad you turn to chocolate instead of someone else when I am not around. :)
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