It must be my army brat upbringing kicking in or maybe it's just February and I have had it with winter or maybe I am just a complainer right now, but I am in a need of a change! I love my job. I don't want that to change. I love the people I work with in the Primary presidency, I don't want that to change. I love my family- don't change that. Just maybe everything else! Oh, wait, don't change the kids' school either. Ok, so what does that leave us with. Can I take my Primary presidency into another calling- young women's maybe, because goodness knows I don't want to have anything to do with the Relief Society. And can I have another house in another ward and maybe in a different state, but bring the school and the hospital I work at and all the people I work with along with us! Can we do that people? Is that too much to ask? We have lived here for 2 years in April and 3 in the DC area- all of that in a townhouse. I am ready for a move! Three years is enough time to live anywhere, right? And I have never had a calling for more than 2 years. I have been in the Primary Presidency for almost 2 years now. I have been in 3 Primary Presidency's and I am just ready for something different. Don't get me wrong, I love it and I love the people I work with, I'm just antsy right now.
I went to Stake Women's Conference on Saturday. They had several classes for you choose from. You were to choose 3. I chose 2 and then chose to go home and take a nap. One of the ones I went to was about keeping a "commonplace book." She talked about all kinds of commonplace books, but focused more on the spiritual ones that are really our journals. She read from Elder Henry B. Eryings talk this last conference about how he asks himself every day if he has seen the hand of the Lord in his or his children's lives that day and then writes about all the "tender mercies" of the Lord. I love that scripture in 1 Nephi 1: 20
"...But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith..." I know that mainly the change has to happen in me and I really believe I need to start a record like Elder Erying and the many prophets who wrote for themselves and so that their children would know that they believed and had hope in Christ. It may not change anything, but I will have a different perspective, maybe!:)
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
We need a little change around here too after five years I know these people and this area so I am ready to move on to another area and different people. I like to re-invent myself by moving. New place, new people, new me or at least a new side for awhile. Love Mom
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