To answer a few questions:
When Emma called the 3 stores we went to to asked how they cleaned their carts, she explained that she was doing a sceince experiment. They asked for her name and her school. I assume they knew something like us swabbing them would happen, but we never asked permission. We will probably need to name them stores A, B, and C on the project so we don't get sued! And yes, this is her science fair project. I am getting all kinds of ideas for more. Good thing, because they are required to do these starting in 5th grade.
Joseph is sitting in front of a sentence he made at the zoo with these different barrels that twist, so that you can make all kinds of sentences with them. I thought it fit him perfectly and since I hadn't taken a picture of him with his figurines yet, I thought that would do.
Yes, Rob has slept since the night I told him about the stake president thing. We have been told it's all good by a couple of people and to just be patient and wait, so we are waiting.
I had to add this recipe for orange rolls that I found. They were so good! Use whatever roll recipe you want. I suppose you could use Rhodes rolls unthawed also. I use the same recipe I use to make cinnamon rolls with- so good! Roll out and cut into triangle. Fill with:
2 Tbsp butter, melted
1/2 C. sugar
1 tsp. orange rind
1/2-1 tsp. orange juice
mix together and brush onto rolls. Roll up from fat end to pointy end. Let raise for 30 minutes or until double. Bake at 375 for 12-15 minutes. Glaze with:
1 C. powdered sugar
2 Tbsp. Orange Juice
1/2-1 Tbsp orange rind
1 Tbsp butter, melted
These are really good the first day, but not so good the next, so eat them all! I forget where I got this recipe. It was from someones blog. Sorry I can't give credit!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
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