If you were to come to our home you would know which of the many townhouse doors to enter because ours is Colonial blue. I felt that since we were in a rich colonial area that we ought to conform and show our colors.
David's house has a red door, but ours is blue. There is rarely anything on our door, because of objections from my DH. Obviously screwing something into the door is unthinkable and the over-the-door hangers scratch his wood. After 14 years of marriage, he finally agreed to put some lights outside one Christmas, but used tape instead of putting holes in his wood or scratching it with the hangers. This is what happened
and hence we haven't had lights outside since. I have found a plastic over-the-door hanger and use it occasionally, but all the things hanging on it have to be soft, too and that makes it a little harder to do. My DH has had all the kids practice the statement, "wood on wood always scratches, metal on wood always damages." You might also notice our door being shut several times in a row. This is from said DH teaching the children each time they slam the door how to shut it correctly. Shhh, no one tell him that I don't do it quite the right way!:)
come in! Welcome!
We have a small entry way with a much loved and long sought after deacons bench with storage. That's where all the shoes go. It still needs something else, but decorating has never been my strong suit, especially being military. It's hard to get things just the way you like them to then move and try all over in a different house with a different layout.
People always come in the front door. I would love a beautiful house with a nice front and back door and a yard, but that's not going to happen any time soon. So please come in the front door. And Lellie, if you came in through the garage it would do you no good. Our garage is detached!
I love that color of blue-
I was cracking up at your husband, very funny!
Funny husband story! LOVE your deacon's bench :)
Yeah, I love the colonial architecture around here. We have one of those metal sort of doors (ours is blue, too :) ) and I wish we were smart enough to figure out how to screw something on it, because I really want a door knocker.
I'm having bench envy! We have a "garden-style" home which is another of saying we have no formal entry...when you open the door, you're pretty much in my living room. Needless to say, that means no room for my fantasy bench. Cute story about your hubby!
love your stories about your DH and the doors!! that bench looks great, too.
I'm glad my husband is the one who begs to put lights around the door at Christmas. I'll appreciate him more next Christmas.
Oh my goodness, my husband is just like yours! It took us a year to put any pictures up on the walls. I do have a wreath hanger on my door, but it is rigged with something soft on the underside, so that the metal never comes in contact with the door. I did get the Christmas lights on the house, with help from our friends, but around the door--never! That's okay, because I have them on the banister and the Christmas trees on my porch at that time of year. Love the blue door, mine's boring white!
I can't stand putting the lights up for an entirely different reason... I just hate going through all the trouble, only to take them down just a few weeks later!
It might just be me, but your DH seems like a guy I'd get along with really well...
The DH ( dear honey,divine hunk, devilishly handsome, daring hang-glider?) and I agree on many things and that includes putting up Christmas lights. By the way the WMMTMD(
wonderful man married to my daughter Never did go hang gliding so he could tell me what it was like. I need to know because I am too old to go and the sons won't be going. Love MG ( marvelous grandma_
That is a great front door!
Great SPT!
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