Ok, today has to be SPW- She Photographs on Wednesday's. Lately, I can't seem to keep up with everything. So today is an extra special cheater version of SPT. We were suppose to take a picture of something that is extra special about us. I have 2 old pictures and I promise I will add the new one after my daughter gets home from school.
The thing that is extra special about me is that I share my birthday with my only daughter.
Picture with Emma, Mom and Grandma Thomson. Notice the brownies with the candle in them that our friends, the Mcombers brought for me- besides opening a couple presents between contractions, and the birth of my daughter that is how I celebrated my birthday!
When I was in hard labor, my husband said, "hey, wait a minute, when were you born? Let's time this, so you are both born about the same time of day, too." If I could have made it through the pain over to where he was, I would have smacked him!- Especially since I wasn't born until 11:56 pm and I wasn't going to go through that kind of pain for another 10 hours!
Despite the fact that we didn't quite coordinate the time, we are born on the same day a few years apart and that makes us extra special! 
taken in 2006 at King's Dominion on one of the rides
My daughter is now 11 and she told me the other day that a boy told her that he liked her and she told him that she liked him, too. I was not sure how to take this information. I don't want to lecture her and make her stop telling me things like that, but we did go over the fact that she wasn't allowed to date until she was 16 and that she would get big money if she could go until she was 16 without kissing and even bigger if she made it to 18! I am certainly not ready for all that boyfriend/ girlfriend, emotional rollercoaster junk! How do you handle it? I guess it is a good thing that I only had one extra special daughter!
Thanks for the comment on the Mary post. I think it is fun to share a birthday with your daughter. That is pretty special. :-)
This IS a real something "extra" - how cool is it to have the same birthday. I would have smacked my husband if he said that to me too - did you smack him anyway after the fact??!!
Yeah, the middle school years are upon us - the whole boy thing, it was so funny just last night my girl friend and I were talking about this - she said they "pull out the Strength in Youth" pamphlet as a guide - I told her - we live in california - she's too Utahan for me!!!
There is a talk that starts with Boys and Girls are different. But I think you have heard it. That the parts that worked you may use. To "Like" someone at Emma's age is fun and tingly. if her peers will just let it stay just fun and tingly it is just part of growning up socially. The Strength of the Youth pamphlet is the guide if it comes to dates etc. but I like you at 11 is not dating or anything like unto it . love you both Mom
Cute! What a great family you have!! Love to have you join us at Pancakes & Pinesol! :)
this is really extra special!!
glad you didn't have 10+ hours of labor.
good luck with the *information* she is now sharing with you!!
Sharing a birthday is extra special! She is so cute, watch out!
That is pretty special. I share a birthday with one of my boys and love it!
Hey, I'm sorry if my photo was TOO revealing. I can be a little too comfortable in my own skin! Yikes! :)
thanks for commenting on my blog! i loved your spt about you and your daughter, what a fun treat to share your fun day together! my sister in law and i share the same birthday and we love it because we get to give a gift as well as receive a gift. it also helps that we love the same favorite restaurant so it's lunch together every year! i love having someone to share my day with. great post! PS i grew up in alexandria and i loved seeing a picture labled 'king's dominion' - lots of happy memories at that fun place!
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! That is extra special, sharing a birthday. Fun.
PS, I love your "About Us" paragraph on the side bar.
Hannah was born on Rich's birthday. I think she likes sharing it with him. It also makes it easy for him to remember!
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