I usually workout on my own at my house on the treadmill. I used to hate treadmills, but have gotten used to them, because I don't think it is very safe for me to run by myself outside and I don't have a nice double jogging stroller. I usuallly run 5-6 miles as I watch Good Morning America or the Today's show. 2 days a week, I do something else. I have been doing The Firm videos, because they involve weights and I know I need a little weight training. But some friends of mine have got this walking group going. They've invited me several times, and I sometimes feel totally out of it when they are talking and realize it was something they were talking about at walking group. So anyway, I decided to try and walk with them 2 days a week and then maybe do my video later in the day (yeah, right!) I went today and guess what! No one else did. I decided to walk anyway. We walk in a local mall. Walking in the mall consists of stopping to wipe snotty noses, going potty, yet again, stopping to buy a gift for the baby shower tomorrow, stopping to pull the two youngest monkeys apart, stopping to open the water bottle, stopping to close the water bottle, stopping to pick up the bag of pretzles that the baby threw all over the place and a little bit of walking. I think my stop motor is the only thing that gets any working out, during these workouts. I did however get a cute baby gift and a headache. About 1 1/2 times around I noticed that the baby was pulling all my credit cards out of my wallet. That produced another opportunity to use those stopping muscles. I gathered up my wallet and started searching for all the contents. I wasn't sure if I had put one of my credit cards away yet or if it was still in my wallet. It is one we no longer use. I also didn't find my Temple recommend until I got everyone in the car. Not the best feeling in the world. I decided to hurry home and make sure I had taken that one credit card out. But of course "I have to go Potty! mom" "again?!" For some reason, in my hurry, we didn't do things quite right and the fit that had already started while buying the babyshower gift rose to nuclear proportions. I raced as fast as I could (no running in the mall) out to my car with the baby yelling and crying with half his body out of the cart. I got no less than 3 people in that 1/3 of a loop to tell me that my baby was hanging out of the cart. You think? Goodness, do these people think I am blind or just really, really uninterested in my screaming child? Of course by the time I got to the car and unloaded everything and everybody, I noticed that the Leapster was missing.
The Leapster was brought to keep them happy and not screaming. Apparently it didn't work! So everyone got loaded back up- this time the baby got strapped down and we ran (no running in the mall) back to try and find the Leapster. I asked at the help desk, I looked in the bathroom, I watched all the way back to the babygift store and then I prayed. I was very blessed that the fit began in the babygift store and that is where the Leapster was deposited.

After running home (Ok driving- within the speed limit set by those in a hurry)
and checking that yes, I did have that credit card in a file and not in my purse, I jumped in the shower and then made something super quick to take to a potluck that I happened to be 30 minutes late to. At least we got rid of my full trunk of used clothes there. While there I was asked a couple of times if I was alright, because it looked like I was going to cry. "No this is my I am exhausted face. I worked last night until 2 am and I am working again tonight until 2 am and my two little monkeys have already worn me out for the rest of the day. I'm going home and taking a nap!" after I start the laundry, clean up the mess I call my house and make a cheesecake for the babyshower tomorrow. Just another day in monkey town!

Oh yea, well I went to work, and worked hard. Take that. :)
Love, Me
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