I am cheating, just a little for this SPT challenge. I am using a picture from 2006 Christmas. I am going out of town and have family here, so it's a little hard to get a photo session in. These are my 4 children.
Aren't they cuter than cute? I got the name of our website from them. Every time we blessed one of them in church, my husband would get up afterwards and tell the congregation how glad he was to have "another little monkey to jump on the bed" with him. My husband is sometimes a big kid himself and loves to jump on the bed and wrestle with the kids. This is something I love about him. He usually knows when it is time to be serious, though he's not always so fast on the uptake when it comes to joking around with women. You always know if he likes you or not, though. If he will joke around with you and try to play with you, he likes you. If he's only serious with you, he thinks your a woman to stay away from! I digress!
When my 4th child was born I went insane, apparently, because I made around 45 of these announcements by hand. I had to cut out 4 little monkeys for each card.
I got the idea from my husband always saying he was happy for another little monkey to jump on the bed with him. I told him that and he didn't remember that he said it, so it must have been pure inspiration each time.
My children are high energy. We have this philosophy that all those good little children will become the lazy teenagers that you just can't get off the couch, but our high energy children will be the go-getters! We'll let you know how that goes!
Anyway, our website is official a whole lot of monkey business, because of these 4 beautiful little monkey children of ours and do they keep us busy with all their monkey business!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
I love your monkeys. I love their energy However, as the head monkey know sometimes their energy is too much for the old tired grandma monkey. I am so glad that the teasing means Rob likes me. I am worried now that he sometimes get to serious on the phone is that why he hasn't been to my house in awhile. like years because he thinks I'm someone to stay away from. hint Robert I will need a mover in early June It will give you an ultimate work out moving my piano and double recliner and you can bond with the in-laws too. Bye the Bye the air force flights out of Andrews are free and come right into McCord air field. I don't thing it works the over direction from McCord to Andrew at least grandpa Larry hasn't figured it out yet. Love to all the monkeys. your favorite mother-in-law and grandma
What a great name for your blog !!
Your little monkeys are really cute.
I love your blog name, and the reason behind it. My kids go-go-go, non-stop, so I'm going to CLING to your reasoning that high energy children will become go-getters.
Your birth announcement for #4 was pure genius! Loved this intro to your & your monkeys...
What an adorable name and cute inspirations! The monkeys jumping on the bed used to be my kids favorite song to sing when they were toddlers!
Wow! You cut out all of those monkeys?? That is totally admirable and awesome.
You really did go insane with that birth announcement, it is very cute.
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