This weeks challenge was to show what we would do if we had a 25th hour in each day and sleep was not a factor. Obviously, they had to include that statement or else everyone would have had a picture of themselves sleeping. I love a nice 45 minute nap! But, since sleep isn't a factor, I thought of all the things I should do with a 25th hour- read my scriptures, read the ensign, play games with my kids, do a better preschool with Joseph, etc. But to be absolutely truthful I would really like to take a bath and read
- as long as money wasn't too much of a factor either
Or get yet another hobby.
Do you see why my husband says I have too many hobbies- and this picture doesn't include blogging, learning to cut my boys hair, or baking (which I really enjoy- especially candy making!). I am a dabbler. I am not good at anything, because I have a curious mind and want to learn it all. That is one of the main reasons I am an ED nurse. I first thought I would like to be an OB nurse, but after I did a rotation in the ED, I was hooked. I figured in about 5 years I would get tired of the same old thing- help mom breath, catch a baby once in a while, clean him up, take his vitals, put a footprint on a paper, clean up mom. Yep, got it! But in the ED there is something new to learn and see every single day. It is really hard to get good at when you only work 5-6 days a month like I do, but it is never boring! I really like to learn and experience new stuff. One of these days I may get good at something, but I doubt it, there's too many things out there to dabble in!
Hi Deb! It's me Mary from Texas! I just love reading all these cool things about you. Man, have you been busy. Your newsletter cracked me up. When I first looked at it I was like-who are these people? We don't know anyone who looks like that! Then I finally figured it out(ha,ha). Anyway, we are in the 1st ward now. I liked it better in 2nd ward. We have a lot of really young couples and they are all just starting out. Gosh, I feel so old compared to these girls. I'm still going to school and I feel like it is taking forever. I'm new to this blogging thing. I didn't know it was so huge. I have to go for now. I just finished cleaning up after dinner and putting the boys down for bed. I still need to do some homework. I will try to keep up with you. Say hi to Rob and give the little ones a smooch for me.
Love Mary
Oh yes, a long bath and a book. We have what they call a garden tub here. Very round and kind of short but deep. Not at great as those old German tub for a good long soak but almost. It sounds So I think I will. Don't have a good book right now however. Can you recommend one? Mom
Thanks for the comment on my SPT. You sound a lot like me -- I'm definitely a "dabbler" as well!
oh my, you are a hobby queen!! that is quite an amazing display.
Oooh a bath! Sounds great!
Love your hobby table pic. I guess I'm a dabbler too--I can relate. Is there a support group?
I'm with you on this...from the enticing idea of a good nap to being a dabbler in a lot of things. And a nice bath with book. That's sounds great right now!
It is funny to see that the 1st thoughts of many mothers in differents countries are the same : a bath and read :-)
I saw a lot of good ideas on how you should spend your extra hour (I mean bath and book are always good), but not one of you mentioned spending the extra hour with your charming husbands. What a sad state of lack of husband time we have now of days. :)
A book can’t ask you how you feel and the bath can’t rub your toes. Give us guys a chance again and see if we can’t beat the bath and book. :)
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