The idea I got out of the challenge was what do I spent the most time on or focus on the most during the day. I thought about it for awhile, but due to the events of this week, it came to me pretty easily. Can you tell what it is?.....
It is one of my son's bellies. Yep, one of the main focuses of any mom, I think, must be what comes in and what goes out of that belly- Your's, your husband's, your children's. Are they getting enough, are they getting too much, is it healthy, when is the last time they had a bowel movement. This is actually a frequent question for us, because we have a holder. He will go sometimes 2 weeks without going. Of course he is just trying to hold it in, because it gets in his drawers and you can tell. Ok, too gross! I can't believe it, but my husband will call when he is out of country and we spent half the time talking about poop. We have tried regular bathroom times, mineral oil and fiber in the juice, enema's, suppositories. It is a constant challenge.
This week we are dealing with vomiting-yeah! I hate it when it is actually a bug and not just food poisoning, because then it goes from one kid to the other. Sunday night was Joseph, Monday night was Max, today it is Sam. It would be so nice to have it all done at once, so that Mom could get some sleep. Sam is a trooper, though. Last time they had that spinach thing where people were dying- we got that. It was awful. I would find him just curled up on the bathroom floor- not trying to bother anyone. I was too sick, to move him, so I was really thankful for him. Today, he decided to try and go to school, but threw up on the bus. My phone isn't working (that's a story!) and so he told them that I was probably trying to buy a new phone and then told them he felt OK and went back to school. I finally got the message and went to pick him up. It took him awhile to get to the office. He told me that was because he stopped at the bathroom to puke, so that he wouldn't have to puke in the car. He is such a stud and so considerate. Ever done the Heartman Color code? He is definitely a blue! Probably a blue/white mix. What a kid!
Anyway, everyone cross your fingers that Emma and I don't get it. We both have special events coming up and don't want to ruin them!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
now, THAT is a quite a kid! i hate that your family is dealing with a stomach bug right now.
i spend a lot of time thinking about the food that goes into my family. i get a lot of pleasure when it's all good...
My first thought when I saw that picture was that it was YOUR belly button I was looking at (enviously admiring the smooth stretch mark free skin). Too funny!
This is the MOST CREATIVE take on this SPT that I have seen - so true that we moms spend so much time on meal planning and so forth. And then that you came up with your son's tummy as your photo to go with it.
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