Soccer has started! Sam's team, coached by Dad did really well, but still lost in the last few minutes 3-4. Rob is learning to communicate with a lot of people who don't speaka da english so well. You would think that would make them a great team, but apparently not all Latin American kids play soccer really well- go figure!
Emma scored the first goal of the season within minutes of kick-off. It was a real pretty one to the corner. Unfortunately, she was also off-sides, so it didn't count. They took her out soon after and then put her in defense for the rest of the game. There aren't enough challenge league players, so they are playing a lot of regular recreational teams this year. They didn't want to blow the team out, too bad. Next week they play a team that got beat 12-0 their first game. I think the coach that let his team beat anyone 12-0 in a recreational league ought to be whipped with a wet noodle! I hope some one talked to him. They told the girls that they would have to be restrained so that it didn't happen again to this team. I feel bad, but in another sense, I would like my child to be able to play at her best. I wish it wasn't a choice of this or playing on Sunday's, but it is, so until we find something else, we will do this.
This is what Joseph and Max and Sam were doing while Emma was playing her game.
Sam kept using the jump rope as a lasso and would lasso the boys and throw them to the ground and pull and pull until their shoes came off.
They thought this was great fun. They also played swords with sticks. Notice Max's tongue- no wonder Lightening McQueen is his favorite- you can't teach the tongue hanging out thing. You either got it or you don't!
PS The Gynecologist thinks that the mysterious growths are really large polyps. He was suprised I wasn't in pain with them. I have to go in for an ultrasound and then meet with him again. Because this is the army we are talking about that will be in another month!
Yep, you probably do have better weather - our grass isn't green yet and our soccer season doesn't start till May.
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