This was a hard one for me- Because I couldn't figure out which one of those moments to choose! Yes, there have been many "What was I thinking moments" in my life! So I decided to tell you three.
1) Picture high school, bleachers, in gym. We are all waiting for something to happen and we are all getting bored. The boy in front of me starts pitching rolled up balls of paper at me. All the sudden I just snap. I run down the bleachers, ball up my fist and bunch him full in the face. Just as my fist connects, I think, "What am I thinking?" and pull up. I walk back to my seat feeling extremely stupid. That is the only "fight" I was ever in at school!
2) Ok, now picture high school, hallway. I am a Junior. The Senior boys are all sitting on the window sill just down the hall and laughing and talking. I notice there is a mirror on the ground. Someone should pick that mirror up before it gets broke! None the less, I continue walking in a straight line towards it. I even walk over it, then walk around a corner. A burst of laughter from the Senior boys and then at that precise moment, my mind finally starts working at normal speed instead of slow mode and I realize what they were doing! Uh, duh, "What was I thinking?"
3) Now we are in Church lots of years and many babies later. I am in the nursing lounge with a bunch of other mothers. It is a young ward. Someone mentions that one of the ladies skirts is really pretty and she says that she thinks it makes her look fat. They all start saying how she looks great and I pipe in to add my two cents, "you look like you need to eat something!" Everything goes dead silent. I have no idea why I said that, but it was true. Two weeks later I learned how true it was. The girl had gone home to be with her mom, because she was suffering from anorexia. Whoops! I had no idea, but still, "What was I thinking?" That is one of my better Foot in Mouth stories!
Oh, and I just have to put this one in. I never have been very daring with my cloths, so I don't have a lot of mile high hair, bicycle shorts under short skirts, or leg warmer pictures- I refused to do that kind of thing, but this definitely fits into the category of "What was I thinking?" As Meg Ryan as Kathleen Kelly on You've Got Mail says about a butterfly that she believes is going to Bloomindales to buy a hat, "that will turn out to be a mistake as almost all hats are."

oh, *hats* off to you for this revealing post. i think we've all had too many "what was i thinking" moments in our day!
Your number 3 had me laughing and dying for you at the same time. That is so like me too to say something like that! How horrible!
You missed the one that is family legend, At the family table with your 15 year old sister who is more endowed than thee when you said " don't those things get in your way" It still makes me laugh and she is still outraged. sorry about Rob. The stake president made a tough call. Everyone who is important in your life knows the real deal. Love Mom
I like your moms reveal about you too!!! :) Great SPT. Isn't fun to be able to laugh at ourselves now that it has past....
You took such cute "oops" pictures of yourself for this challenge!
Post partum makes you say the most horrible things, I think. Once I was in the nursing lounge, talking to someone I had met a couple weeks earlier. For some reason, I started going off on the name, "Mary." "Who would ever name their kid that? That is the most boring name." Etc., etc. I didn't hold back. A few moments of silence & it dawns on me. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I forgot your name was Mary, too!!!!!" I mean, are you kidding me??? How is it possible for your brain to go that far into malfunction?
Your "You should eat something" comment is something I can totally relate to. I always seem to say the wrong thing at the wrong time! But it did crack me up to read it!
Those moments are the ones that make me go red in the face just remembering them! I have a few similar myself!
I laughed that your mom joined in!
Your stories are sooo great! We've all been THERE! I love your cute what was i thinking is so nice to be able to look back on our silliness and laugh!
We've all had those - open mouth insert foot what was I thinking type were just brave enough to reveal them!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Oh Deb, this is a funny, funny post and that picture at the end is a capper. I'm so glad to hear of another Katherine Kelly fan.
Great stories! Your post made me laugh out loud. Your mom's comment did too. :) I have a few pics I wanted to share of myself back in the day too, but my scanner is broken, which is probably a good thing!
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