I didn't participate in SPT this week. We were suppose to say what we would see if we had eyes in the back of our heads. I was feeling very negative and thought no one wants to read that I would see who was shoving those knives in our backs, so I didn't do it. But I have since changed my attitude. Remember that word of the year- Flexibility? I have had to use that against my bionic wife powers this week. At first I said we would have to go to another ward, but I have since relented. I thought there was no way I could support a leader of our church who lies to a stake president in order to remove someone, who wouldn't know a leadership style if one batted him over the head and who runs his little area of "the kingdom" with conjecture and rumors and never tries to find out the other side of the story. Now I realize in the history of bad leaders, he isn't even in the running. He hasn't molested anyone, as far as I know. I don't think he is embezzeling or committing adultry or into child ponography or anything like that. I do think there must have been true inspiration on his calling, because no one in their right mind would have called him. So, now I am able to go to church and support this man, knowing that even he can not hurt the kingdom of God. It will come forth, despite all our faults. So much for Flexibility of the mind. Now here are some happy things that are getting me through the week:
1. Rob comes home tomorrow!
2. They finally built that playground they said they would across the street from our house. The kids are so excited. Unfortunately, Max thinks it is so close that he can go out there whenever he wants. Um, don't think so Mr. 2 year old!
3. The hoochie mama and her ghetto family and the other getto family that live with them and the other ghetto family that live with them (that was repeated twice on purpose! yep there are three families living over there!) are moving out! NO more base booming in our ears everytime we try to go to sleep, no more teenage boys hanging around, no more dances on their front stoop that make me have to cover my boys eyes, no more dog poop everywhere!
4. I figured out how to get songs onto my phone. All two of them! I guess that slot for a memory card is actually supposed to be used! Joseph really liked playing with my phone after that. And guess what. I'm still not tired of those two songs! I guess I chose well.
5. I may be over my phone minutes, because of all the wonderful friends and family that have called to see if I was Ok and to let me talk. How could I feel any rain, with so many umbrellas out there for me? Besides that a ton of people e-mailed! I feel really blessed.
6. I finally put music on my sight- did you notice! Pretty cool, hu? Of course, I may have to do a better job of screening which music I put on there. There is one I think is not so good for little ears!
7. Real men of Genius commercials, even though we don't drink beer. Whoever came up with this idea deserved a big raise!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
I can see the sunshine in you post! We are also crossing our fingers that everything works out ok for Rob vs. Iraq and you vs. the gyno. Keep us posted! And just a side note...there are a couple of people/situations that we are not sad to move away from. But then my cousin reminded us that you just trade known weird for unknown weird when you switch ward! So good luck with your "known weird!"
I once worked with someone in my church calling that was not fun. I was pretty sure they were going to lead the whole ward apostate. I struggled a lot. What's hard is when you feel like you could really make a difference in your church service if only this person wasn't hindering you. The whole thing reminded me of having bad companions in the mission field. No missionary work gets done that way. Sad. But way to go on the flexibility of the mind. It looks like you really have some good positive points to keep in mind. Make those positive thoughts your mantra. You'll get through this.
Welcome to the imperfect world of the church. It is another testimony to the truthfulness of the gospel that the church and its crazy members don't destory it. I also worked with my very strange counselor in Virginia. Found out latter that everyone in the ward but me know she was difficult and they were passing her off to the newby that didn't know better. Then there was the stake relief society president who I basically did all her work plus mine and covered for her. And LDS neighbor who has turned up three times in our life and made a mess every time. Just remember there is a reason for that bishop's calling and it may have nothing to do with you and your calling or it may be to strength you. Mom
Good for you Deb! I am sorry about how everything is going down, but I am thinking about you and supporting you from afar.
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