The question for the week- if you are new to SPT, do you consider yourself part of the green generation?

Answer: Well, I have been green with envy, and looked green when I was very ill,
and I look good in the color green,
but I don't know if I am very "green" in that sense. I am a wanna be! I recycle and almost always have.
It has been a law in Germany much longer than it has here. We were always told to watch our energy and water usage by all those fantastic AFN(Armed Forces Network) commercials, so I have learned that, too. And now that I have a brand new washer that uses less water and high energy detergent, I am doing better at this.
But, I eat way too much meat, I don't shop at the farmers market, because it's only open on Sunday's and we have only one light in the house that is the high effiecency kind.
Also we own a truck and an SUV. Now that's not only not green, it's not smart in these high priced gas days. Unfortunately, we bought a house when it was in the all time high, right before the crash, so we won't be buying another vehicle anytime soon (or anything else for that matter!). Besides, I am holding out for that hybrid van that they just don't seem to come out with. Seriously people, when you say that such and such a van can get 26 miles to the gallon, do you really believe that any of us is impressed with that? The technology is out there to get 50 and 60 miles to the gallon and more. Why hasn't it happened yet? I will tell you why- the same reason they are short oil in Iraq- corruption. We've got it too, people!

We started growing some seeds in little pots for a little garden in our little townhouse, but until then, I did the anti-green thing and bought myself some beautiful tulips to help me green up the house!
This guy is pretty cute in green too! Here's to hoping for better things to come! Like Hybrid vans!
Yep you & your little guy look great in Green! Cute SPT
"cheers" to your new washer. that's awesome! your posts are always so clever - you've kept me on my toes since you started spt-ing!
Is buying tulips anti-green? I hope not. I've always considered bring living things in the house pretty helpful to the cause of me appreciating the earth & nature, etc.
The all green picture of you is so clever...
I too have the washer that uses less water but I don't know if I like it or not. I'm not sure it gets the clothes any cleaner and is it energy efficient since the washes take 50+ minutes each?
Love the green clothes! I would like the hybrid van too. Love the tulips, they look green to me.
Hey- I saw your washer, and it reminded me to add that to my list!
You do look great in green!
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