About 2 weeks ago, I tried to mow my lawn. I pulled and pulled on that cord, but nothing. This old man, kept walking by and watching me. I thought, why don't you come over here and help me, but then I realized I could probably pull harder than he could. I finally gave up. Rob called me and I told him about my misadventures. He explained how to make the thing work. I just never had time again, until today. My grass really needed to be mowed by now. So I went out this afternoon and began the pulling ritual again. I almost gave up, but I finally tried one more thing and the mower started! Yah.
Oops, I let go of the throttle. So I started all over again. When I finally got the thing started again, I wouldn't turn it off for anything. My neighbor now has a strip of lawn mowed as I went around to the front. I figure that's what he gets for mowing only his half of the front lawn and not finishing it up. Truly, we share the front yard with our neighbors on each side. The one is very good and always mows my whole lawn for me when he is mowing his own, the other one leaves a couple foot section of one side unmowed. Very annoying. I probably looked hilarious out there trying to push the thing up hills and around big stepping stones that everyone has. I was literally stopped a couple of times on the hills- completely!
After I finally finished the mowing, it was time for the edging. Let me just say that we will be buying a new edger very soon. We have one currently from you know where. It lets out the cord, constantly. I had to go in and get a pair of scissors. I also had to put a whole nother length of cord on it, because of how much I had to keep cutting. One time I didn't cut it fast enough and it bit my leg- a few times.Boy the things I have learned from this. I understand the needs of the widows and the single moms so much more. My husband better get ready to help a lot of widows and fatherless families when he gets home!- because if they are anything like me, they are too proud to ask for help, but boy do they need it at times! PS anyone up for moving a chest of drawers and changing a light bulb that is in a chandelier over our stairs?
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
This whole blog just made me smile. I love you so much. I am still laughing. I remember you calling me over 15 years ago and telling me that your eyes were bugging out because of pushing the lawn mower, and if I remember right this is only your second time to have to do it again. You are so cute. I have made that trimmer last for all these years. You can't give up on it. :)
I guess I can smile because I know how tuff you are. All my love from Basrah and the home of these crazy Britts "Good old Blokes".
Get that boy growing (sam)so he can take over the mowing. Twice in one marriage is not too often however, to mow the lawn, not a big lawn either So just do it. Love Mom
You should get a candy bar for your trouble! You need a gardener!! Or teenage boys! Hang in there girl - you're doing a fantastic job!
have you seen my blog post about almost cutting off my finger with the hedge trimmer? i too had a horrible time starting our lawn mower. it really is "men's work" but everytime i say that out loud, my husband reminds me that he does his own ironing - aka women's work :)
Before Lee's first deployment I had a crash course in lawncare. I made it through the lawnmowing all right (I'd actually done this once or twice previously, but I had brothers growing up so it wasn't my weekly chore). Then it came time to do the weedwacking...for some reason he started me out near a bump-out where the fireplace was. The house was all brick except for that bump-out which was covered in vinyl siding. After watching me for a moment (and watching the vinyl being chewed up along the bottom edges) he declared that maybe I should just call the hometeachers to help with that part.
So I can relate!!
that is awesome, I can't ever get my mower started. You go girl....
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