So today we played hookie from soccer and cub scouts- mom needed it- and went and saw High School Musical 3. It was a fun evening- although expensive. We went before 6 pm, so it was a matinee, but still really steep. I can not believe prices have gone up that much.
This Saturday Emma had a Halloween party to go to, so mom had to hurry and finish the costume she had been procrastinating. We found a Majorette like ballerina costume at the thrift store for $4. With the help of some $2 material, $2 butterflies and wings from the dollar store, we turned it into a fairy costume. I had to unpick a bunch of sequins and some ugly pieces of material that were just hanging off of it. After I added a pretty ribbon around the middle, I had to unpick that too, because it made the thing too tight on Emma. I cut the bottom into jagged edges and used the cut material to make a scrunchy also. I think it turned out to be a cute water fairy costume!
The Fabric Stash is Finally Manageable
2 months ago
Grandpa wants to know why that is a water fairy ? Grandma guessed that blue means water and little wings means fairy. With the up-do Emma looks very grown-up Mom
What a cute costume!!!
I wouldn't know how to even start doing something like that!
So cute! Lookin like a babe. Better hope there are no male water fairies around. Come to think of it, there probably won't be many guys as water fairies. Good thing, otherwise your daughter would be their #1 target!
thrift store finds are always best! great job and inovation!
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