Here are some beautiful flowers that Rob sent me all the way from Iraq to wish me luck for my first day as a volleyball coach. Did you do a double take. Yeah, me too. I volunteered to help out with volleyball at Emma's school if they would let 6th graders participate. Unfortunately, they took that offer and ran with it. There were too many 7th and 8th graders that signed up- almost 30, so I had to be the coach for the 6th graders. The more I read and downloaded from the internet to read the more scared I got and the more I realized I had gotten myself way too deep. Then I went to the 7th and 8th graders first practice and met their coach. She played in middle school, high school, college and is now playing for a national team. Umm, I have played with my family and with the church ladies a couple of times. Yep, that's the extent of my resume'. I have been lucky enough to find a lady in my neighborhood that has actually coached volleyball before and who is willing to help on Wednesdays. I just have to do Monday's on my own. Today was the first practice and wow. 24 6th graders in one gym and a fire alarm that went off for 30 minutes. Needless to say, I have got to get a whistle- I yelled myself horse. I am completely warn out. I'm so glad I have help coming on Wednesday!!
ps. I bought the flowers myself, but I'm sure that Rob would have thought it was a great idea!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
this is is really something that will be a challenge. Crowd control with sixth grade girls. Whatever were you thinking? party on mom . You mom
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