I made my own service star flag with help from this website. I couldn't figure out how to applique so I just did the wonder under thing and then blanket stitched around the star. I think it turned out pretty good. It is suppose to hang in your front window when your loved one is at war. Mine is in view of the front window, but not actually in the window. I don't want to go advertising something like that to the world.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Good job your grandma Baird would have been proud. It is also wise not be let the world know that big guy is gone. Mom
Hey beautiful,
I tried loging into my windows live account but couldn't remember my user name or password, and then I went to AKO to write an email, but decided that you would rather have a comment on your blog. I hope you get this soon. I am safe and sound after one British C-130J flight and two blackhawk flights. I have three more blackhawk flights tomorrow, but it is all good. Any way safe and sound tonight. I'm ready for some sleep. I've only had two hours of lights out in the last two days, but should get some good sleep tonight. I will have to send a picture of the sleeping arrangments, this is some hard core army living out here. People (OK - British Soldiers) are waiting on the computer and I should let them have it. Love, Rob
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