#21 from the 100 things list says that we are fairly cheap. I will have to change this. We really aren't. Actually my husband is very generous, but there are a few things that he doesn't like paying for- one of which is babysitting for 4 children. If you go up one on the list, you will see that it says, We are so glad our daughter is old enough to babysit now! We didn't go out on any dates from the time we had 3 children all the way past number 4, until she was able to start watching them this past year. The exception being when we had friends that agreed to trade off nights with us- which was fabulous! If you can find a friend willing to do that with you- so wonderful. The kids get to play with each other that night and you get a free night out. I highly recommend it. Of course it is not an easy arrangement to come by. I know- we only got that going once for about 6 months! But, now thank goodness, we don't have to worry about it, unless it happens that we wanted a babysitter for more than 2 hours. Bummer!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
Free babysitters are the best! And now that you have a free babysitter, Rob is gone for awhile. Sweet irony.
Your battle with the lawn mower felt so familiar....other than you had to do it by yourself. I'm proud of you for holding down everything. I wish both your neighbors were generous.
I am really looking forward to the day when my oldest can finally babysit. However I still have a couple more years.
One more year and my oldest can babysit! Yeah! In the mean time we have date lunches! Sure it is still light out but it is just the two of us and no chins to wipe (unless you count my husband's from time to time. It is a peaceful middle of the day break w/ out the cost of a babysitter.
i used to stress out about getting a babysitter, because we didn't have cable and we don't keep junk food in the house. i thought we weren't *cool* enough for the babyisitters!!
ya, we're lovin' our sitter , er I mean oldest daughter, too! :o)
Congratulations! Built in babysitters are the best!
We have braved the new world of a built-in-babysitter lately. We still don't go very far or for very long, but it sure in nice not dragging kids EVERYWHERE!
oldest daughters so earn their way in life. Don't they oldest daughter. Mom
I am just starting to get glimpses of that, but it's still something so foreign.
Are you counting down until the lawn stops growing? Should be soon!
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