Monday, August 10, 2009

Trek Family Reunion and Ode to a Jeep

We had a quick family reunion with the kids before Michelle went off to college. It was fun to see them again. Only the girls made it and we had to kick them out pretty quick. I had to drive to Pennsylvania that night to go to the CK scrapbooking convention at Valley Forge. I had a good time, even if it was all on my own. That whole week, I had only about 6 hours of sleep every night, so I was a little nervous driving to Pennsylvania so late. Luckily, I had Michelle with me to Maryland and then I had the Blue collar comedy show the rest of the way. We go a new van and got XM radio free for 3 months. Yep- after all these years, we decided to get a van. I never realized how clunky the jeep drove until I drove the van! Man that is one smooth ride!

We didn't want to trade in the jeep. It has worked well for us for over 11 years- never a single problem, but there was the whole cash for klunkers going on. Besides that, we thought, how are we going to store three cars in Virginia! And then how are we going to get three cars out to Ohio. There would still be 2 1/2 years after that before Emma would be able to drive, so we gave it up. It made me want to cry, until the night before we were going to give it up and I got into it to go to work. Oh my, it stunk so bad!! It smelt like a dirty diaper had been shoved under one of the seats and left to rot for at least a week! It was telling me to let it go- I'm sure! The poor lady at the dealership had to hold her breath to go do her assessment of it. Rather embarrasing! I promise- there were no dirty diapers! I think some milk got spilled from shopping earlier in the day. Anyway, our poor Jeep is gone and in it's place we have a spiffy new van. Thanks for all the memories old friend! Can you believe this is Sam? Pregnant with Joey in St. Louis Sam loved to wash with Daddy! Marathon training runs It was our candy station at the Trunk or Treat for many years The mighty Strikermasters make their strikes (that means they got mom and got a slit of window down before mom turned off the car! They played this game all the time!)
Good times!


Anonymous said...

You are an official soccer mom with her mini-van now, living the good life in the burbs. Now if it was a white van you would be an official Mormon soccer mom/ Your mom

Princess and A BYU Fan said...

What's a Strikermaster? Oh and what color is the van? Very important information :)

Holly said...

I think everyone that grew up in the 80's wanted a jeep!!! And scrapbooking! I would have driven with you!!! Be sure to take some pictures of your pages!