Ok- did you know that EPCOT actually stood for something? It stands for Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow. Pretty cool, hu? I wish we would have had 2 days to explore EPCOT. It had so many cool things in it. It was more like a hands on museum than a park, but there were some cool rides, too. We loved Sorin' which was like hanggliding. It was so cool and you could actually smell oranges at some point. Test track was suppose to reenact being a test car driver. Max loved it, even though it went fast! Space mountain was closed for refurbishing, which we were bumbed about, but while we were over in that area, they opened it for test rides. Can I say that I was just a little nervous to take a test ride! Joseph loved it and pulled me along for another ride, though.
We went into a comedy show and were one of the few people there, so we became the comedy!
It was a lot of fun.
We also went and saw talk with Crush. They make everything look so real. There is a video going of Crush, but he really answers your questions and everything. Max raised his hand to ask a question, but when they chose him, he couldn't think of a question, so Crush asked him what he liked to eat. Max couldn't think of what he liked to eat either, so Joe stepped in and said, "He likes Meatballs." Crush asked if he was the Dude Bro and then asked Joe what he liked to eat. When Joe said Meatballs, Crush said, "Woa, that makes it so easy, Dude." Then he told everyone to say Dude for the rest of the day. Luckily, our children didn't take that to heart!!
We rode the little ride inside of the big golf ball. It had you answer a couple of questions at the end of the ride and then it showed you what your future would be like with your faces on the people. It was so cool!
I wish we would have had time to explore more, but the children really wanted to take the afternoon off and go swim in one of our resorts 8 pools. Our neighbors told us about this program with RCI and the military. It is called the Armed Forces Vacation Club and you get space A rooms at RCI resorts for just $329 a week. They do try to get you to sign up with RCI once you get to the resort, but you just unplug all your phones and you don't have to worry about it. We ended up with a 5 star resort right outside of Animal Kingdom. It had a full kitchen, totally stocked and a washer and dryer and a jet tub big enough for two adults without being scrunched. We ended up with one of their older models, but it was still nice and clean. We will definitely try that again!
That evening we went back, walked around the different nations, watched an acrobat show, ate Chinese food in China and watched the best light, water and firework show IllumiNations.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
wonderful, wonderful, memories. You did it all. Loved the Robert's placement of the babies after he got them diapered. He looked like a pro. Mom
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