I can't believe it, but this is our 101 post and before I do any other posting, I have to do the traditional 100 things about us- but I added one, because it's our 101 st post, not just our 100th.
1. The most frequent thing you will hear said at our house is "hurry up, we're late!"
2. We believe in lickings and forkings for the kids. Lickings (Dad licks their face when there is ice cream or something like that on them to clean them up. Mom thinks that's gross!) Forkings (whenever one child is whining about something the other has done that really doesn't deserve real discipline, we let them fork the culprit. Mom and Dad have to monitor closely, but they just poke them with a fork lightly and it ends up everyone is laughing at the end.)
3. Ice cream is definitely a food group
4. We love a clean home, but hate to clean it. The love a clean house outways the hating to clean though, most of the time.
5. Soccer has become our sport
6. We like most sports- watching and playing, but playing is better.
7. I am an impulse buyer, but I have learned to keep it down to under $20 a thing.
8. Rob likes to buy only the best. If there is something better out there, it frustrates him.
9. We want a dog
10. We don't want a dog
11. We really don't want a cat
12. We wouldn't mind a fish
13. We really like salad
14. We really like chocolate
15. The swimming pool is our second home in the summer
16. My husband has had 4 careers in our married live. One of them was a full time seminary teacher. Now he's in the army
17. I met my husband in Germany when he was in the army
18. We are a fairly relaxed family, but a little loud and obnoxious at times
19. There are definitely a lot more obnoxious people out there
20. We are so happy our daughter is old enough to babysit, now.
21. We are fairly cheap.
22. I am not into labels and refuse to pay the price for American Eagle or Beneton or any of those other places.
23. We are a running family
24. I hated cross country, but I ran it in high school. I didn't mind the running part, just the racing part.
25. I lettered in 5 different sports in high school and got most valuable runner for track.
26. Rob was a big football player- Ok, big is relative
27. neither of us competed in college
28. We both have college degrees. Rob has a Master's. I have a bachelor's
29. I am a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department. I went straight out of nursing school into an Emergency Department. It was a really hard way to start out.
30. I want to teach Nursing school some day
31. Both Rob and I are shy, but we both work through it. I used to get told all the time that people thought I was a snob at first. Nope, just shy.
32. We like to read, but don't always put it as a priority. I usually have to renew books at the library 3 times before we can get through them.
33. I lived in Germany most of my life, until I got married.
34. We love to do new things
35. We loved the one cruise we went on. We would love to do it again when the kids get older. It was too hard on the little ones having us gone so long.
36. I am very afraid of one of us choking to death.
37. My kids like to wander and sometimes have their heads in the cloud. Of course Mom probably does also, 'cause she doesn't notice they aren't there for awhile.
38. I am ruled by guilt. If I am cleaning, I should be playing with the kids. If I am playing with the kids, I should be cleaning. If I am blogging, I'm just guilty.
39. My husband and I really like each other and like to do stuff together. I am not a big fan of GNO. When my husband is at home, I want to be with him. Going out with a bunch of couples is much more fun.
40. We are big fans of chips and salsa- does this list seem to have a lot of food on it?
41. Did I mention that I am chronically late? I was even late to my very first job interview. I am suprised I got the job.
42. There is so much out there that I want to learn, but just don't seem to find the time. It frustrates me.
43. My lack of time, frustrates my husband as well, but for different reasons.
44. Our house is full of white walls. My husband likes it that way. I am just too lazy to paint.
45. I love the color of my hair and have passed down a reddish tint to each of the children- that makes me happy.
46. I make a mess when I cook, but I enjoy cooking. I just hate the clean up at the end.
47. My husband hates the clean up at the end, too. He likes his house orderly and it is the first thing we have problems with when he comes home from TDY.
48. We've been married over 15 years.
49. Robert is a registered Democrat, but thinks like and often votes for Republicans. I am not a registered anything, but if I was it would be as an independant. I believe you have to look at each candidate individually.
50. We have owned 2 dogs- a beagle named Buster and a Schnauser named Jake. Both were given away to other homes for various reasons.
51. We have a trampoline set up in our garage.
52. Until just resently, the baby slept in our closet.
53. Family Home Evening means watching American Gladitor together and eating homemade ice cream to us.
54. We just got our very first DVR- very nice!
55. The girls in the family love a good bath and a good pedicure. Good thing there are only 2 of us.
56. We make goals as a family every year and post them on the fridge all year long.
57. Rob and I can't sing worth a darn, so we are really encouraging the children to pick it up.
58. I never practiced my piano like I was suppose to, so my parents stopped having me go to lessons. I can play a few of the hymns. Now I am teaching my children to play. It's like the blind leading the blind.
59. One of my favorite novels my Mom read to us growing up was The Great Brain series. Very fun!
60. I love the Anne of Green Gable's series and the Jane Austin books, just like most girls
61. Rob watches chick flick's with me, for the end results. Ocean's 11, 12 or 13 work, too.
62. We watch My name is Earl, Lost, Hero's and American Gladiator. We used to love Fear Factor, too.
63. I don't follow through with a lot of my plans. I dream too big.
64. We have moved 8 times in our 15 something years of marriage.
65. We have owned 5 homes and rented 2.
66. We own a Jeep, a truck, a motorcycle and a dirt bike. Only the motorcycle gets good gas mileage.
67. In our dream home, there is a library.
68. I don't do cold weather sports and since we have had kids, neither does Rob.
69. I sing a song to my babies every night. For Max it is " I love Maxwell, he loves me. We love daddy, yes siree. Emma and Samuel and Joseph love us and so you see. We are a happy family." Max likes to sing with me. It is so cute.
70. I had easy pregnancies and deliveries. The only time I had trouble was the two times I tried to have an epidural. Both times my blood pressure dropped so much that I almost passed out and stopped breathing.
71. Since then I have been terrified about medicine. I had my bottom wisdom teeth pulled with only a local.
72. I have a very long to do list.
73. I don't make lists. I should. Then I would stop forgetting stuff.
74. I am fairly forgettful
75. I love traditions
76. Pancakes, taco's and spaghetti are staples in our house. Ok, I think we are done talking about food.
77. We are not patient people- any of us. I am sure the fact that the parents aren't, has an effect on the children.
78. Joseph starts every sentence with, "Mom (replace with whoever he is talking to at the time) I want to tell you something." He usually asks you a guestion after that.
79. I have a cute paper and ribbon obsession.
80. Emma has a bag/purse obsession.
81. Sam has a pokemon obsession.
82. Joseph has a playstation obsession.
83. Max has a Cars obsession.
84. I have no idea what Rob's obsession is.
85. People who think it's cool to hate whatever is popular at the time, aka Miley Cirus, scrapbooking, minivans, soccer moms, etc. really bug me. It's their way of standing out in a crowd, I guess, but it's just annoying. Like what you like, don't like what you don't like, but don't be all crazy and obvious about it!
86. Crazy people hate me. I don't know why, but I will never make a good psych nurse. I hated psych nursing in nursing school, too!
87. Rob and I probably lack a little charity. I do feel bad for people that have it rough and have given out food and money to homeless people and stuff like that, but lazy and crazy people we have no patience for- that's probably why crazy people don't like me.
88. One of the reasons I hated psych nursing was that we had all these meetings where the other nursing students boohooed about how bad their lives had been and they got on me for not opening up. After being forced to speak from the professor with the threat of lowering my grade, I told them I had nothing to open up about. My childhood was great, my marriage was great and I was doing awesome in school. Then they all hated me. Go figure!
89. I love men in uniforms!
90. My husband wears a uniform to work every day. Lucky dog!
91. I am freaking out about my daughter maturing.
92. I am trying not to show her that I am freaking out.
93. I did not like maturing myself. I got mad when my mother told me I needed a bra and I cried the day I got my period. My daughter seems to be having no problem with it.
94. We all love to swing. I am so glad that Joseph has finally learned to pump.
95. We used to have spitting fights when we were younger on the swings. I am so glad my children have come up with a different swing game- it's Get Through the Gauntlet. Much less gross, but definitely a lot more dangerous.
96. We are not careful with our children and we don't baby them. Rob plays rough with them. When they fall down, we tell them to get up. It has made them tough cookies. I'm glad, because they won't get a lot of sympathy in the world.
97. The kids favorite games are all wrestling with Dad, but there are very specific names for them and they seem to know the difference. They are Catcher, Steam Roller and Papa Bear.
98. We didn't mean to do it at first, but the kids are all named for the Smith family, except Maxwell. We didn't like any other Smith boy names. I wasn't about to have a Don Carlos or a Hyrum. So he is named after Elder Maxwell, who died when I was pregnant and who was Rob's favorite apostle.
99. We both want a Mustang convertible when we retire.
100. I love being a soccer mom, a nurse and want to be a booster club mom and everything else- even if it is cliche. I don't care.
101. We love lots of friends, but really believe that we should be the best of friends to each other.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise 2024
2 months ago
very interesting list. Tells alot about your family. forking as a punishment works only when it is done as great good fun and everyone knows it isn't a real punishment. I suggested it once to another sibs family because I thought it was a fun way to solve those little fights and had a real attack with a weapon going on. Mom
Princess said "this is a fabulous list. We luv you guys." I had to change it slightly, because it had our last name in it, which we try to avoid.
Wow...101 things! I love learning things about my friends!
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