This week was to take a picture of "the emblem of the Land I Love." I must admit, I wasn't sure what to do, but then I stopped by this place on our way to pick up the kids from school, because I was starving and I thought it would work perfectly.
True, McDonald's is all over the world, but it started here- true American Capitalism. Besides it typifies the fat American diet. Yep, I was there, getting a few more hundred calories myself! It also brings back memories of lazy, relaxing teen years and years working in a paper hat and nasty greasy clothes for minimum wage. Perfect American teenage years. There isn't many places like that in this world. McDonald's definitely is an emblem of the Land I Love even if they are yucky and have very high calorie food!

P.S. this picture was taken with my camera phone, because I didn't have anything else.
i thought of showcasing McD's as an iconic American emblem...
then i thought of showcasing obesity as an iconic American emblem...
and then i go really depressed!
but i love your camera phone pic!!
OH I agree with this one too.
Do you remember the years without fast food in your early youth when a trip to Paris, or Frankfurt,meant McDonald's. Even in the later days in our European adventure we looked for the golden arches but mostly for the clean free bathrooms. Free restrooms now that's thing I love in this land especially clean ones. Mom
We are Micky D lovers in this family. Nothing like the good 'ol fattening french fry. Nothing beats it! :)
Yes, truly American in every sense of Mickey-D's! Love those fries...hate that I love them!
McDonald's is a true emblem of the United States. No doubt about it.
I don't know the last time I ate McDonald's, but I am a big advocate of american capitalism and I support businesses that provide things faster and cheaper than the competitior, that's how businesses make money. Hopefully we all exercise good choices in our everyday lives regarding our health.
Mickey-D's = america
Great spt.
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